i developed my first b/w 120 film from my holga, today.
it was fun, brought back memories of 1st year..
the struggles of the darkroom!
anyway heres a shot that came out quite nicely..
the ones that stay inside.
the ones that could have been great things.
the thoughts that could have changed the world.
inspirational thoughts.
life changing mind sparks.
ones that are kept dark,
only for you to keep,
only for you to enjoy.
the ones that could have created conversation
with the king.
the ones that could have stopped a war.
stand up.
let your thoughts escape.
words once again by my co-pilot: johno
it was fun, brought back memories of 1st year..
the struggles of the darkroom!
anyway heres a shot that came out quite nicely..
the ones that stay inside.
the ones that could have been great things.
the thoughts that could have changed the world.
inspirational thoughts.
life changing mind sparks.
ones that are kept dark,
only for you to keep,
only for you to enjoy.
the ones that could have created conversation
with the king.
the ones that could have stopped a war.
stand up.
let your thoughts escape.
words once again by my co-pilot: johno
wow guy, that is really, really, really nice!!!
These the horses from wittedrif?
Is this scanned from the negative or printed?
How'd the rest come out?
Dang it! Im jealous!!!
thanks man.
yeah they the horses from across the road of the campsite/school.
i printed this one.
then scanned and slightly edited to look better.. haha.
the rest were ok. some cool ones.
theres no need to be. your stuff is amazing.
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